How to Create a Marketing Plan | Step-by-Step Guide

so you’re ready to start marketing but you have no plan where do you begin what should you include how can you present it you have the questions we have the answers [Applause] [Music] hello world my name is mike plogger and here at visme we aim to make your work life easier whether it’s design presentations or marketing we have the tools to help you become a true professional marketing is a necessary operation for any business looking to take a leap towards success however if you don’t have the proper experience you might be lost on how to create a marketing plan and these are extremely helpful when it comes to understanding your business clarifying your goals staying focused and keeping everyone on your team on the same page in this video i’ll take you through the seven necessary steps to creating a winning marketing plan as well as share a number of templates you can start with right away shall we

understanding the purpose behind a marketing plan is step number one ideally it should be used to help you set your goals understand your target audience and optimize the impact of your marketing campaigns communicating your big strategy or idea is what your marketing plan is all about in order to do this every marketing plan should consist of the following number one your short and long-term marketing goals number two a description of your target audience and their persona and number three one or more high-level marketing strategies and tactics this infographic template available on visme right now features each of these key details it clarifies the objectives the target audience and strategies in an easily consumable page if you wanted to go the extra mile and include even more detail you can also add an overview of the current market situation key performance indicators budget or financial considerations or a timeline on when the plan will be

carried out typically all of this information is communicated on a pdf just like the one we just saw but if you’re feeling creative try creating an infographic a full presentation or an interactive web page to share your plan who knows it could be the difference between your plan and someone else’s without further ado let’s dive into seven steps for creating an effective marketing plan step number one start with an executive summary this is essentially a brief summary or overview of your entire company and the key details of your marketing plan it highlights the function of your business and the purpose of your plan this shouldn’t be very long the summary can include past achievements and the future direction of the company consider this template here the details are concise and to the point you want to tease your viewers on what’s to come and get them on the edge of their seats it’s not overwhelming just a quick introduction before you get into the

meat of your plan revisiting your company’s mission vision and values is important to highlight early on why it’ll provide clarity and answer any questions as to why your marketing plan is the way that it is it’ll show viewers you had this in mind throughout your entire planning process templates like this can help because it’ll educate or remind your viewers how your company got to the point they’re currently at and where you’re looking to be in the future one of the first steps with any plan is doing your research study the market study the competition what are others doing that’s working and then what can you do to make it even better deeply analyze your own company’s strengths and weaknesses touch on what you’re doing well but don’t be afraid to communicate what you think could be stronger a swot analysis or strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats is a great way

to present your research you can visualize the company’s path identify opportunities set goals and so much more this template right next to me can be edited in visme and is completely customizable from the text content to the colors fonts icons you name it you can edit all of our templates to match your brand you can do the same for your competitors compare your company with another one in the industry to see how they match up with one another side by side it can be eye-opening sure but take a hard look at the competition it’s crucial if you want to compete in the market after identifying your competition you must identify your target customer this will allow you to create more informed and tailored marketing strategies vote a person from scratch how old are they what’s their income what are their interests what do they value a template like this is perfect for putting that person you’ve built on paper and explaining him or her to your

audience during a presentation or during a meeting or what’s one way that’s almost always used when someone wants to explain themselves for a job well a resume of course this template more closely resembles an actual resume it includes basic information a photograph personality traits a bio goals frustrations you can edit it however you see fit to describe your target audience and if your target audience is a mixture of different people try creating an infographic with data widgets you can break down how much you should cater to one group or the other there’s a number of different charts and graphs you can use to help but this template went with pie charts to break down target customer percentages it’s easier to understand than if someone was trying to explain it without a visual [Music] okay you’ve done your research you know your audience now it’s time to outline your marketing goals what are you hoping to achieve with your marketing plan the

most important thing to remember with this step is to be specific with actual numbers if you’re hoping to achieve more web traffic don’t just say the goal here is to increase web traffic say my goal is to increase traffic to our site by 30 percent within the next three months you need a concrete goal not a blanket statement this template is simple easy to digest and lays out specific goals they’re all measurable and clear following the progress towards the goals won’t be difficult with how definitive they are and as i mentioned deadlines could be used as well if that’s the case a template like this could be more fitting in order for this company to accomplish a goal these three phases must be properly carried out marketing plans like this help viewers follow along as they can refer back to them if they start to get off track continuing off my last point our sixth step is to lay out your marketing strategy from beginning to end there’s

three details to write down and include with this step one what to do two how to do it and three the channels to use i highly recommend turning this into a visual so your team and audience can fully understand your thought process to make it even easier for them turn your strategy into a series of phases or steps it could look something like this clarifying what needs to be done in each step before moving on or if you want more certain dates and deadlines this template here could be even better specific dates are laid out from the first phase of the project to the launch if you want to ensure something is completed by a certain time we highly recommend using this template infographics in general are wonderful for displaying information in a way that is easy to understand people are much more likely to retain information paired with a visual rather than with text alone another template to consider is something like this lay out all of your information in a detailed manner leaving

nothing to the imagination last but not least detail the budget considerations for your plan how much is it going to cost in order to reach your goal it’s important to be clear with this up front at least as best as you can marketing can be costly and there are often a lot of hidden expenses this may be the most helpful template of all it clearly lays out the cost to your company try to set a cap early on so you have a goal to stay under from the jump [Music] okay we’ve covered the steps for preparing your marketing plan you should be able to put one together from start to finish but i did want to share just a few more visme templates that may help you depending on what industry you’re in this restaurant marketing plan template is versatile for either massive chains or local eateries you can replace the photos with your own and change the colors just like with other templates

if you’re in real estate and are part of a team or even if you’re operating your own business this template here can be useful the swot analysis included makes it perfect for businesses focused on property marketing maybe you work for a sas or content company and you’re looking to take your content to the next level this template will help you organize your editorial calendar so you’re able to reach your goals on time or what about social media we all manage our own pages of some sort and all businesses should have their own as well want more followers this template can lay out your goals describe your ideal followers and so much more this digital marketing template has a modern feel with a number of different features swot analysis executive summary goals strategies it has it all just waiting for you to hop on board and make it your own product marketing requires as much or more research into consumers as any form of marketing that’s why this template covers those basics as well as includes

the detailed marketing budget we covered just a minute ago want to market yourself build your own personal brand well visme has the templates for you too it’s just a simple three-page plan highlighting resume skills and experience before getting into your personal goals and it wouldn’t be a visme video without further discussing infographics visme has changed the game when it comes to presenting information in fun animated and clean designs this one page marketing infographic template contains all the necessary details and won’t overwhelm your audience okay now that you’ve done at least some of your research it’s time for you to get to work i highly recommend at least scanning visumy’s template collection there’s even more marketing templates past the ones that we’ve discussed today and they’re waiting for you right now head to to get started in the meantime thank you so much for watching if we were of any help we’d love for you to click that like button down below
and if that’s not in the cards well maybe next time we’ll see you again soon for now i’m mike blogger with visme helping you make information beautiful


Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends for 2022!

as marketers we live in a time when changes have been constant and we have had to adapt quickly and effectively to them in marketing new strategies and trends emerge that change how we must draw connect with and sell to our customers however it’s not always enough to just keep pace with these transformations [Music] in upcoming years especially in 2022 we’ll undergo considerable changes due to the roller coaster ride of the pandemics events from the past two years in this video we will discuss what online marketing trends are to come so let’s get started use other pay-per-click platforms when it comes to ppc you probably only think about google ads however this isn’t the only ppc network out there deciding where to invest in advertising can depend on several factors such as platform use bays volume for ad serving

creative opportunities and advertiser budget other ppc platforms such as microsoft ads can give you the advantage of advertising to the remaining one-third of the ppc market and expose a business brand to a different market optimized for mobile mobile devices are king typically a smartphone doesn’t spend more than an hour away from a user’s palm and it is the go-to source for managing day-to-day life seventy percent of paid search impressions occur on mobile devices we encourage you to ensure that your website is mobile optimized incorporate mobile device aspects into your current ppc strategy and keep updated with new trends and features that ppc can offer you when optimizing mobile device users boost results with ai and automation ai can optimize long-tail keywords which is hard to do with rules-based automation

or poorly developed ai automation tools here’s how ai and automation contribute to the cause a b ad testing automated and smart bidding strategies for keywords ad performance based on quality score including ad relevance and ctr estimates and bid recommendations to achieve maximum traffic ai does a great job analyzing data and efficiency supporting how automation works to manage ppc accounts many advertisers benefit from ai and automation to improve strategies to optimize better performance such as ctr bids and targeting include video ads across the globe over 665 billion households own smart tvs with more people staying home due to covid it has become their go-to source of entertainment especially with youtube at number one on the list of channels used what does this mean the idea here is to

create video advertising content to promote brands through the internet this is to be able to display advertising campaigns on different streaming platforms consider voice assistance alexa cortana siri and google i’m sure you use at least two of these voice assistants to perform voice searches from your phone laptop smart device or tv speaking comes more naturally and relatively effortless compared to typing this is why voice search makes perfect sense in fact it’s a very brilliant technological innovation that it’s already altering how we communicate digitally include an ad group that focuses on conversational keywords long tailed keywords and question oriented keywords create shorter video ads six seconds that’s all you have to make a good impression it may seem short but it has become a marketing success 25 percent of adults say they’ll close

out a video after only 10 seconds so if you’re going to advertise ppc video ads then ensuring you stick to short video ads is key to engaging audiences that will convert focus less on sound as a consumer what do you prefer a video on mute by default and captions or going through an embarrassing moment with a video ad playing full blast you’re not alone 66 percent of people say they hate it when video ads automatically play with sound so on top of ensuring your video ads are short you should keep in mind that it should sell a product or service without sound advertise in video games as the kovit 19 pandemic continues it means that gamers will invest more time online playing video games and are more likely to be exposed to in-game display ads more frequently consider the variety of ad formats available throughout the

behavior of gamers interstitial ads during game breaks reward ads win currency for mobile app consumption banner ads traditional banners shown in games takeaways consumers will continue to become more demanding that’s why it’s best to start adapting alternative advertising methods experiment measure and ensure that they work it’s essential to be aware of what trends are coming up in the future so you can prepare for them now and stay ahead of the competition as a marketer you must continue to adapt and find ways to cater to the growing demands of your consumers to prepare yourself and your business for future surprises keep these trends in mind if you have a winning strategy use it that’s it for today remember to subscribe to our youtube channel and activate the notification spell see you again soon



32 Ways to Promote Your Website (with little to NO Money)

good morning from sunny downtown toronto my name is christopher a hughes a stands for arthur co-founder of a web development company named a nerds world and in today’s video i’m going to teach you 32 damn near free ways to promote your new website or any website i suppose let’s jump into today’s video [Music] [Music] so for those that don’t know i’m currently the co-founder of a nerd’s world i’ll leave a link in the description below but prior to this i owned and operated my own e-commerce business on a very shoestring budget i had next to no money i had all the drive and passion in the world but getting traffic to my website was very difficult so i basically tried everything for those that don’t know my story i quit my job because i wanted to go all in and dedicate every waking minute into my ecommerce business because i wanted to get rich i saw

stories i heard stories of it i knew it was possible and the only difference between extreme poverty and extreme wealth was generating traffic to my website so i tried everything possible in today’s video i’m going to walk you through very quickly 32 easy simple damn near free ways for you to promote your website and if you’re a web development company owner why not share this video with new websites that you launched so you just launched a website you thank your client thank you for the opportunity to work on your website as a going away gift take a look at chris’s video this is going to be ways that you can build this website into a successful business no fluff and let’s jump into today’s list number one the simplest way to generate traffic free of charge is friends and family and let them know you have a new website and you’d love for them to visit it now 2020 you know our friends and family are not always in our bloodline but by simply reaching out to them with a dm and saying jeanette remember me from elementary school well i just launched this new business here’s my website take a look let me

know what you think next reddit and quora so reddit in quora are very similar it’s basically a questions and answers type website first and foremost let me be upfront i do not want you to spam the world wide web the world does not need any additional spam what i want you to do is educate those and answer the type of questions that you feel comfortable answering in helping the person looking for assistance and in return i want you to leave a little tiny link to your website this is a huge way and i’m very soon i’m going to shoot a whole video on 101 reddit marketing because i think this is a hugely untapped method of generating traffic so very quickly i can come here and i own a web development business so i can type something like website design and i can start reading these questions and if i feel like there’s a question that i can genuinely answer in a positive way that could help others i do so and in return in the signature i

leave a link to my website or one of these youtube videos so three days ago uh i answer a question regarding backlinks and the importance of them here i talk about seo three days ago this is a common practice for me i’ve been in business a long time and hey i’m very rich and i’m still spending the time to generate traffic to my website as you’ll see here’s a link i’m linking to my youtube channel here’s a link i’m linking to my youtube channel sometimes it’s the website sometimes it’s a channel very easy way and quora is very similar set up an account and just spend some time participating in conversations easy free way to get traffic i got 12 000 visitors to my website and the us actually generates more traffic to my website and a lot of that comes down to the simple free blog post that i’m creating trying your best to post one blog per month and as you see the momentum and the traffic is coming to your website because of your blog post it’s going to motivate you to do more and more often promote your blog post on social media so simply creating a blog that’s like

the first step step two is then going to facebook and twitter and sharing that information so if i open up twitter when i post when i post a new blog on my website or a youtube video what i do is i come and just share that information and what you’ll see is i’ll get a like or a share or a retweet or a message and all these social signals are generating traffic to my website so i do not want you to drop the ball and stop at creating the post if you just create a blog post and there’s no promotion you are not going to generate traffic to your website i’m the introvert that created a youtube channel about three years ago and was scared sitting in front of this camera i didn’t know what to say i was uh nervous but everybody has to make that leap that first step when i started this channel it was for my clients i feel like i kept getting the same repeated questions over and over again from clients when we finished the website so i said hey let me create some content like how to promote your new website

create it in video format share it on my blog and share it with my actual clients that’s the actual reason why i started this channel now i’ve become addicted and statistics are doing it it’s generating traffic it’s giving me high rankings on my own website through seo all because i’ve become the authority make that first step in creating free content that’s going to educate people from around the world forget about selling your service or product just educate with the youtube channel and if you were to pull my stats very quickly let’s look at them while we’re here let’s look at the stats and i should hit 18 500 today if you look at my stats let’s take a quick look so uh an overview of views in the last 28 days 48.1 000 people looked at this youtube channel or one of my videos in the last 28 days in total i have 1.6 million views i have 127 000 hours of watch time um 18.5 000 subscribers

and i just started my revenue like my ad monetization around christmas of last year so had i’ve had that monetization of the whole time i’d probably have about i don’t know 40 50 000 for now that’s my number youtube is great it’s free takes takes a little time and effort you do not need a lot of equipment or expertise stand in front of the camera hit the red button and get started today email marketing so you can either collect emails on your website but if you’re not getting any traffic to your website not too many people are going to enter to their email so what i want you to do is look at email marketing in a different way any of your past clients i want you to remarket to them so if you sell a product and you know john in alaska likes white cotton socks and he purchased three months ago i want you to reach out to them again like hey john how are you enjoying your socks i want to give you a special deal here’s a discount and or i have a new product that i’m trying to promote take a look

tell me what you think or ask them to look at your blog post maybe you have a blog teaching people the difference between cotton and polyester socks or why cotton socks are best in the winter or so on and so forth submit to free local directories simple and stupid so just go on google look how simple this is go to google and type in free free local directories go through this list look the next one says the top 100 so i mean you can sit here and just start manually updating now if you don’t think that you need to do the leg work this is what is required in order to generate traffic to your website it might seem repetitive it might seem menial but all of these little things together are helping generate traffic to your website so simply go through once again and then go to the next one look at this the top 100 online business directories to list your website how much more simple does it get than that and just go through and start

submitting your website manually to all of these next seo if you’ve seen my channel i’m crazy passionate about seo seo is my god thank you seo you’ve brought me so much money and happiness and without you i’d be a grumpy old possibly homeless man seo has helped me immensely and i can’t tell you how how grateful i am so if you are scared of the word seo because you think this is something that’s going to take six years to do or it’s impossible or you don’t have the time or the knowledge seo is something you need to start dedicating time to my channel i have many playlists which i share seo for beginners seo for dummies and it’s like a step by step on what you need to do and seo is like going to the gym okay so i’m overweight i’m out of shape no question i don’t look at like arnold schwarzenegger and say oh i want to be like him what i need to do is take time out of the equation and slowly start working my way into a healthier lifestyle so with

seo it’s no different you don’t need to look at the biggest players in the game and say well i cannot compete with them what i want you to do is take small steps okay small steps learn a little bit do a little bit check the stats see what works best for you and don’t over strategize or over plan the worst thing in seo is this paralysis by analysis it’s like oh i don’t know seo so where should i start what should i do first and then this cycle of nothing continues on and on and you never get any work done and you’re not getting rankings and just you’ve given up on seo today is the day you need to start thinking and learning a little bit about seo and trying it out because it will help you gain success online next submit to the media rather than be long-winded i’m gonna link somewhere at the top here a link to a video i created just on this it’s like how to submit your business to the media without a pr agent public relations agent simple i’ve done it it worked so well for me

it’s as simple as this create a story submit the story to a news outlet and get published free of charge i’ve been published on tv newspapers magazines you name it i’ve done it and it’s all because i’ve put in the work i’ve hustled my way into these newspapers there hasn’t been one one single circumstance in which they reached out to me and said hey chris you’re an interesting individual and we would like to feature you on our newspaper it doesn’t work like that if it’s i’m not justin bieber right so because i know i’m not justin bieber i need to do the legwork and get in front of those people looking to publish articles on the type of topic that i create next facebook groups now let’s open up facebook here’s my facebook so when for example here are groups that i participated look you’ll see a common thread self-employment seo

toronto entrepreneurship small business owners web development web or digital marketing tips web design share and promote so look i’m a participant in about 100 different groups and i often go in i say what’s up i start conversations but i also use those avenues to promote my website and my content so don’t go in there and spam the world wide web once again you will be hated nobody wants that type of friend in the crowd what i want you to do is participate hey guys what’s up how’s your day going what’s the three biggest problems you’re having in your business today uh do you have any simple questions on seo that i can answer get the communication flowing and then in return you’re going to build a brand online and people will work their way to your website to find out more information once you’ve gotten to the point of you’re creating decent blogs and you do not need to be the one that creates the blogs i’ll tell you what when i started out i’m a horrible writer so i would write something and i would submit it to a copywriter and let them clean it up i’ve also shot

videos like this and let a copywriter watch the video and write it so that i can add the text to my blog so i’m not personally writing it myself but i’m the one coming up with the content so guest blogging is as simple as this once you have good content and people are enjoying it you need to reach out to other websites and say would you be interested in featuring my blog on your website so you’re networking with other similar industries and businesses online in sharing information and you’ll find a lot of good information on guest blogging here on youtube just youtube it how do i guest blog you’ll get the answers next signature branding so when you write an email at the bottom of the email you need to have your name your position and you should have links to social media and your website i know this seems simple but being user friendly where somebody is reading your email and they can very quickly click on your website is often overlooked creating a free resource so on my youtube channel for example sometimes i’ll give away some free content

like a website contract and here’s a link to the video and if you go to the description you click on it that click goes to my website i’ve created a free tool or a free resource for others i’m not making any money from it okay i’m not gonna sell any of the people that come to my website are not gonna hire me for my service and i’m okay with that i want to become the authority and my goal is to get as much traffic to my website as humanly possible and that’s it that’s the reason for it free resource free tool on your website will generate traffic and it will keep the people coming back pinterest set up a board on pinterest if i’m promoting seo in toronto i can create an seo in toronto board on pinterest i can add photos of infographics related to seo in the description under every photo and i can leave a link to my website my seo page very simple way to get traffic to your website now for the next two which is 15 and 16 it’s ebay and etsy this is more relative to those that are

trying to sell a product like e-commerce you’re trying to sell underwears or hats or t-shirts you need to also look at alternative ways we could add amazon in there alternative ways to be found so you’re not openly promoting on ebay and etsy although you could build a brand and people will google the brand so if i started selling nerd glasses i can create an etsy and ebay account selling nerd glasses and my branded name on ebay and etsy would be a nerd’s world and people will find it people will google they want to see more if they like the product that you’re selling top top 100 web 2.0 so what i want you to do is i simply want you to go join up to these web 2.0s set up the same profile photo your same nap name address phone number and link to your website whenever possible so here look at that look how simple this is here’s a list of web 2.0s i’m giving you guys the answers to all the questions

simply go in and start signing up simple and easy and free message boards is very similar to when we talked about this in the step number two which was reddit and quora just join message boards participate in conversations and add little links in either your signature or direct a user to your blog post remember stay authentic stay white hat number 19 is signage this is the very first out of all these items that we talked about that actually cost a tiny little bit of money myself when i started my t-shirt company i had a decent looking bmw a z3 i put a little vinyl sticker on either side that i literally had my domain name it wasn’t overwhelming on my car it was yellow and my car was green the yellow vinyl on green car and that would generate traffic so i mean use what you have next referrals pick up the phone any of your previous clients or prospects give them a call say hey

i’ve just updated my website i have three new services or products i’d love for you to see do you have a few minutes to take a look referrals somebody that’s already worked with you and now you’re trying to promote your website or service or product to them again also while you have them on the phone say you know it’s a great pleasure working with you do you have any friends or family that might be interested in my service i would greatly appreciate a referral or a recommendation now that seems like you’re really reaching right it feels like you’re reaching i when i started this business of web development that’s how i financially survived i had no issue if i built a good relationship with a client to say can you give me a referral it works do it flyers and stickers i love both i love print marketing i am the old dinosaur that still loves printing a sticker and popping it on a wall now some of you guys over there that are within a certain box are gonna say chris you know you’re harming you’re harming the world right we don’t need any other stickers and i say that’s fine

okay cry cry me a river i need to survive in business i need to succeed and i don’t have any moral issue in using flyers and stickers to do so so i mean literally printing marketing material and getting it out there cold call pick up the phone and call people that might be interested in your service or product and how do you know who’s going to be interested in your service or product you don’t know so you pick up the phone and you make an educated guess and you call so once again when you call if i’m selling the service of web development and i call all the restaurants in the neighborhood that i normally eat at and say hey restaurant for example downstairs there’s a restaurant called the morning after i go once a week i can call morning after hey morning after i come to your restaurant all the time food’s great i notice your website’s outdated can i send you a link to some of my portfolio with pricing maybe we can work out some kind of agreement where i build you a new website is that something you’re interested in get the email and then submit the email with a link to your website

easy networking events now we’re in the midst of covid19 nobody’s going to network events but in the next three to six months things will start to change so there are entrepreneurship meetups there are web development meetups there’s meetups for absolutely everything create a google calendar in which you add networking events so as you hear about them as you do your research you add so you know when they are what you should wear and where you should be that’s where you’re going to network with other individuals hand out business cards at those events and build your network number 24 is carry a damn business card how much more simple could it be than this so when i’m in uber i’m talking to my uber i’m i’m selling my service as i’m talking and not blatantly but i mean i’m telling them i’ll ask the uber oh this is neat how long have you been doing uber do you do any other side businesses oh that’s great that’s great oh i own a web development company here’s my card if any of your riders ever need a website you know send

them to me i’ll give you a little cash on the side i appreciate that and that’s not just uber that’s being in the elevator that’s walking down the street that’s when i’m at a restaurant that’s when i see an old friend from high school i haven’t seen i’m like hey john is your name john i think you were in my class oh yeah you’re a real cool guy hey by the way i own the here’s a business card do you need a website right without being an over-the-top car salesman man i’m proud of my brand and i have no problem in promoting my brand to absolutely every single person i encounter on a daily basis carry a damn business card with you next number 25 is forms and message boards free easy participate answer questions in your signature leave a link to your website number 26 is repeat business i sort of touched upon this in the past but i mean for those that have purchased something from you already a service a product etc reach out to them don’t hesitate to resell to them

next join forces like voltron find similar industries within your neighborhood or your niche and like pull together like voltron so for example i’m a graphic design company we build websites we do seo but a lot of my clients are looking for promotional goods like they might want a logo that we designed on a t-shirt or on a pen or a calendar and we don’t do that so what we did is we partnered with a local print house and said look can you put our advertising in your location because i’m sure a lot of people are looking for websites in graphic design and in return every one of our clients will let them know that we have a special relationship with a printer in the neighborhood that we highly recommend so that’s like voltron you’re pulling the people that do similar jobs but not it’s not a competitor and you’re utilizing each other’s services in order to grow a network number 28 is getting featured so there’s a website called blog to in toronto which is a pretty big website hey anna and we reached out

to them for a feature so here’s a nerd’s world on blogto old photos one of my stores i reached out to them so this generated when it was posted in september 26th 2012 huge traffic it got to my website but it was from me manually doing it and let’s say for example you’re with godaddy i see they often promote and put like a a spotlight on companies and small businesses using their hosting so i mean submit to them reach out to them and look for a feature number 29 is apply for awards most of the time when you see awards on a website it’s because they submitted their website for that award so simply figure out your niche or your industry and look for awards that you can submit your website to number 30 is community boards community boards are those physical boards in downtown toronto there’s one on every corner in which i as a community member in business can leave a posted note community boards are also indoors

if you go to university you’ll see community boards so you can always promote your product or service on these type of things qr codes now this might seem a little outdated but through this whole coven 19 i’m seeing a resurgence of qr codes so now when i go to a restaurant instead of a physical menu what i’m doing is i’m pulling my phone and i’m scanning the qr code so this is a great way to generate traffic directly to your website you want to make sure that you understand they’re going to be using a mobile device so it has to go to a mobile responsive beautiful website page but why not use qr codes people do not want to hold your business card or flyer etc they don’t have an issue in scanning your qr code be creative put it on your back walk through a crowded area with a mask on but have a qr code on your back on your front add it on stickers put it on put it everywhere item number 32 is by any means necessary how do you generate traffic to your website

by any means necessary do everything that i said come up with your own creative ideas see what works best for yourself but if you think that you can simply launch a website with a decent product or service sit back and think about the money and the money is just going to come it’s not rude awakening it doesn’t work like that you got to work your ass off to generate traffic to your website in order to see success now this does take time but i wish you much success my name is christopher arthur hughes and i’m happy and i hope you guys are happy too if you’ve enjoyed this video leave a thumbs up subscribe i’m going to shoot a lot more content similar to this i hope you guys have a wonderful day goodbye


How To Make Money With Your Content Marketing Skills – Get Content Marketing Clients

hey everybody welcome back in this video I want to talk about content marketing specifically how you can make money in content marketing and I’m not talking about from your content marketing I’m talking about from other people’s content marketing but using your content marketing skills now I use content pretty heavily for my own personal brand and also for my agency I publish videos on YouTube like the one you’re watching right now I also am going to be publishing a podcast very soon I’ve published for over four years a newsletter called brand muse and then I publish articles on LinkedIn and medium in the blog on my website so content marketing has served me and my business really well it drives a tremendous amount of new business to my agency now I work with a lot of clients who are desperate to get into content marketing they may leverage traditional

advertising for their businesses but they’re you know that content marketing is an important part of that mix and they want to do it they see the value in it it’s been proven they want it they need it but they don’t have the time and they don’t have the people and a lot of times they don’t have the expertise or the knowledge of the resources in order to do what it takes to produce content and to publish it on a calendar very regularly which is what it takes actually be successful with content marketing now a lot of you who are watching today entrepreneurs creative professionals probably use content marketing for your own businesses right you probably do Instagram and Facebook and you do you know Twitter and you produce videos or you do writing and you do blog posts you use content for your business and you have skills in order to do that you may have audio editing skills or you may have video editing skills you have writing skills you have design and thumbnail and graphic and

infographic producing skills you use those skills for your business and they benefit your business or if you don’t you’re probably working on doing it so there’s a number of different ways you can go about this you can if you have a larger agency or a group of people that you work with in your business you can become or offer a full suite of full service content marketing services to clients small and medium-sized businesses you can develop content strategy content plans content calendars you can actually develop the content itself and publish it for the company a very full service offering but here’s the thing if you have content marketing skills around a particular niche you can also use that as a key to an unlock to begin a relationship with a client business to help them in the places where they need help where they don’t have that particular skill that particular expertise that internal

knowledge in order to produce the content they so desperately want to do so this is a way in the doors a foot in the door that you can use by taking your content marketing skills whatever those skills may be and marketing them and proposing them in pitching them to small to medium sized businesses to help them produce their content now here’s the thing you don’t have to be a full-service content marketing agency in order to engage with companies and make money at doing content marketing and leveraging those skills that you have around content marketing to help these companies and to make money you can approach or pitch companies to say I gladly do your podcast editing I gladly do your video editing I’d gladly post all of your content on a regular calendar on to Twitter or Facebook or whatever that is you can kind of carve off an aspect of what they need around content marketing that they don’t know

how to do or don’t have the time or resources to do and make that a part of your business it’s a great business opportunity I am seeing it out there everywhere with clients that I’m coming into contact with they don’t have the time the resources the people the knowledge to do content marketing and they are hungry and desperate to do it so if you can use that desperation that they have in order to get your foot in the door even if it’s to offer a particular skill that you have to help them out they will be very receptive to that message so I just wanted to take this video to kind of share that with you because trends in the marketplace that I see that could benefit creative professionals or freelancers or designers that could give them a foot in the door and getting in with new clients I have to share that with you guys so I wanted to do that and I hope you enjoyed this video on how to make money with content marketing even when it’s not your content and if you did please hit subscribe below so you can see my videos when they come out and reach out to me at Philip Van Dusen com if you need help with your brand
strategy your brand design or your professional creative career reach out to me and let’s see what we can do to take it to the next level and with that thanks again for watching bye for now


How to Grow a Small Business: growth marketing for startups

today we are gonna talk about startup growth if you don’t know me my name is kaya I’m one of the founders and the CEO at sleeping a venture funded profitable multi-million dollar started one of my proudest achievements is having led our marketing and growth teams since the company was founded back in 2014 as a CEO you have to get involved in everything inevitably but it’s been the marketing and growth departments that have become one of my favorite tasks as part of running this company if you’ve seen some of our previous videos you’ve seen me talk about traction traction traction traction traction traction traction traction now you maybe understand why I value traction so much it’s not only about getting the metrics you need to raise your round of funding in the end funding is just a means to an end having a bigger more profitable business it’s growing your customer base retaining those customers and turning them into evangelists that really counts as a successful company this is how to grow a business [Music] alright so in this video we are gonna be

covering growth at the early stages unit economics basic growth tactics and finally the growth marketing or growth hacking mindset other topics that we will cover in part 2 of this video are building a marketing team the basics of SEM that is Google ads and social media marketing detailed conversion tracking and finally content marketing and SEO now why these topics because they relate specifically to our own experience and we consider ourselves experts in most of these our company slide beam helps other companies present ideas either through our automatic AI design platform or by getting our content and design teams involved in writing and structuring presentations for those customers so even though most of our customers are other businesses that is a b2b approach we don’t do a lot of traditional sales our customers come through us through marketing not via I would Bound reach its a b2c or business-to-consumer kind of customer acquisition so if the type of business you have requires a

long sales cycle or a bunch of salespeople then this video will only cover the demand generation part of your process sorry all right so you know if intro let’s get started growth at the early stages if you are just starting your business then figuring out your growth is well tough there is little money to spend the product is still early or unfinished and convincing people to join or pay is harder so here are some basics before you even think about growth first growth equals product at this stage your growth is not only related to your marketing outreach or sales effort but to the product itself if you’re just starting up then your product will probably be far far from perfect you have to understand that the stuff you learn as you try to position the product as to try to sell it and expand should also impact the product itself and the roadmap so next up do not do not hire an agency for now company growth is something that you need to figure out yourself at this stage the

person who is looking at the website conversion rate should be the same room as the person who designed the landing pages and the person who is picking out which features to develop next this means that one of your five or one of your very first hires should be that marketing or growth persona like I said I was that guy for a large portion of her company history while my co-founders focused on the product and yeah we were in the same room about 24/7 next point on the basics of marketing growth costs are not an expense I own a marketing agency back in Costa Rica and a large portion of our customers come to us thinking of marketing as an expense they have a budget that they’re willing to spend in marketing marketing is not an expense it’s an investment if you measure your efforts correctly you should be able to determine how spending $1,000 in a campaign will yield $3,000 in sales if you know these numbers are correct then spending meaning investing $10,000 instead of $1,000 is a no-brainer

because you know for a fact that that will translate to $30,000 so we’ll revisit this in our unit economics section finally be prepared to spend slash invest money back in 2013 when we started slide bean we were able to acquire or first 5,000 or so customers using mostly free social media advertising quality shareable content went a long way and it was enough to build an audience that eventually converted and tried our product well forget about that as a company you have to pay to play in social media these days it’s an extremely competitive space every single brand is trying to compete for attention and Facebook is greedy the actual organic reach of a page these days is less than 1% which means that if you have 100,000 followers less than 1,000 of them on average will see anything that you publish well you might be able to have early wins and newer platform say tik-tok or niche audiences like Reddit soon enough you’ll find yourself in the mainstream platforms competing for attention and being forced

to pay for those impressions more importantly marketing is a trial-and-error game some of your experiments will fail and the faster you can run more tests the faster you can figure out your growth plan and it’s not free it’s never free few companies can you get away with free truly free organic reach so yeah it’s time to get your wallet ready in summary if you’re an early stage company learn to do this yourself either you or one co-founders should absolutely own your communication be prepared to experiment a lot and set aside some money to do it once you find a channel that works double down on it alright so let’s move on to unit economics when talking about marketing your unit economics are the metrics that determine if your campaigns are profitable or not okay so some basic concepts here cost of acquisition CAC or CAC however you wanna call it that is the cost of bringing in a new customer if you’re calculating the cost of acquisition of a specific campaign then you should do campaign cost divided by number of customers if you’re calculating your average your broad

company-wide cost of acquisition then you should also include the cost of your growth team and the platforms that the growth team uses next up cost per sign up or cost per download for many businesses with trial periods or freemium business models a sign up or app download is very different from a paid customers so you should keep track of both finally the lifetime value that is the average revenue that you expect to make from a single customer on a SAS company this is calculated using your retention estimation or your churn on an ecommerce store this is calculated using the average order size the average margin that you will make from that order and the percentage of customers that make repeat purchases the most basic rule of marketing is that your LTV should be higher than your cost of acquisition that’s pretty obvious but depending on the industry you might want to aim for a 2x or 3x on your cost of acquisition – lifetime value ratio is this too dense well here’s a funny video from our team for you to take a break

I wonder what you carry we type in kaya calm and should always be used with a water-based contraceptive tail kind of beats about baby if you notice your qaeda is damaged in some way after intercourse please visit your doctor immediately okay carry on let’s do growth tactics my favorite book on growth is called traction I’ll link that in the description the premise is very simple there are only there exists in the world only 19 channels for any company to acquire customers that’s it and if you know what those channels are you can pick and create campaigns around them those channels are viral marketing that is your ability to grow from customers referring you to other customers public relations or PR the art of getting your name in blogs and newspapers TV or press

publications unconventional PR commonly known as publicity stunts search engine marketing those are the ads on search engines like Google Bing or even YouTube social and display ads that’s your Instagram Facebook Twitter type of ads based on a user’s interest offline ads that’s TV spots radio commercials billboards infomercials newspaper and magazine ads search engine optimization or SEO the very complex art of ranking your website in Google search will cover some of that on part 2 of this video content marketing if you’re watching this video you’ve witnessed and you’ve fallen victim of our content marketing campaigns email marketing not a lot to add here engineering is marketing that’s using apps and tech products for growth like the bank that makes a loan calculator to get customers and leads targeting blogs which you can even translate to influencer marketing getting people with niche audiences to talk about you business development pre obvious their sales pretty obvious again affiliate program so offering rewards in

exchange for your customers referring other customers existing platforms so leveraging your presence and relevance in existing platforms such as figuring out how to be promoted or featured on the App Store or the chrome store trade shows not a fan of those but they’re an option offline events meetups and such speaking engagements community building and that’s it 19 channels of girl are there any other channels of growth not covered there I really don’t think so I think they covered most of them so the book elaborates on each one of them and gives you some ideas on successful campaigns from different companies this brings us to our last topic for today growth hacking I don’t know if the internet has a definition for what growth hacking is my definition is mastering the art and science of coming up with campaigns for these 19 different channels measuring the unit economics of those campaigns diligently using the data to make quick decisions to pull the

plug or double down on campaigns optimizing copy design campaign concepts and landing pages to maximize that conversion and finally working with the product team to turn those marketing metrics and results into product changes the growth hacker is a bit of a mythical being but by no means impossible to find any up you should either become one or capture one early on the mindset is simple test test again rinse and repeat repeat on the campaigns then worked of course so next week we’re going to be looking into more specific examples of growth hacks you can do as you grow your business so hit that subscribe button to stay tuned also if you want to take our platform for a spin you can use this code to get three free months on any of our plants and we’ll see you next week 


SEO in 2022 – 5 SEO Tips You MUST Focus on This Year – YouTube

in this actionable video i’m going to lay out the five most important seo strategies that you need to focus on in 2022. and i’m going to explain these seo tips step by step so you can apply them for huge traffic gains on your website my name is matt diggity i’m the founder of dignity marketing lead spring the search initiative authority builders and the affiliate lab these are all seo based businesses that live or die based on how good my seo is which is why i’m constantly testing the google algorithm i’m about to share some of the recent things i’ve learned with you right now and one thing i’d like you to know before we get started is that this is indeed an seo tips video specifically made for 2022. i didn’t film this last year then simply change the title like a d-bag and you can’t edit a youtube video once it’s been uploaded so every time you hear me say 2022 2022 2022 2022 remember this video is current af next this is not a basic video telling you seo advice you already know stuff like if you create quality content that google will love you you know what i’m talking about this is an advanced video specifically tailored for what’s changed and what’s working in 2022 and i’m going gonna deliver everything super actionably so you can get started implementing these changes today there

will be five seo strategies served up to you on a silver platter but make sure to stick around till the end because there will be a bonus tip that is absolutely critical as well especially considering how much seo is going to change in the future let’s get started the first csu strategy that you need to focus on in 2022 is creating topical authority for your website your website achieves topical authority status on the topic when you completely cover that topic in your content as compared to your competition and another important factor is if you cover that topic for a longer period of time when you hit topical authority status google will rank you faster and higher than everyone else in the niche let me give you an example let’s say you want to become a topical authority on protein powder it’s not enough to simply create a single article on the best protein powder or what is protein powder protein powder is a vast subject if you can cover all its topics like is it bad to drink protein powder daily how much protein powder should you eat in a day does protein make you fat once you start covering them to a high degree you approach topical authority status and google rewards a bit out of you for reference here’s the entire list of 200 items we generated for the

protein powder topical map people have been noticing the topical authority effect more and more these days this dude tala and one of my facebook groups noticed this one month old website that posted 721 articles and hit 30k visitors per month then there’s the godfather of topical authority corey tugberg posting up crazy traffic boners like this all the time i did a killer interview with corey so make sure you watch it after you watch this video what’s more topical authority is such a powerful ranking factor it can overcome other website weaknesses i often see crappy sites publishing garbage articles but it’s working just because they publish a ton of them so here’s my advice to you make 2022 your year to break your own publishing records but stick to one topic at a time and hit it with everything you got bear in mind it starts with generating a complete topical map on your niche here’s what i do go to type in your topic and get a head start with a hundred or so topics type your keywords into google itself and get tons of topics from the people also ask feature you can use a tool like seo minion to download hundreds of them in a single shot go to the bottom of the search result and pull tons more topics by clicking around exploring the related

searches and leverage the google search bar’s autocomplete function to get even more topics and here’s where the gold is look at your competitors to see what kind of topical coverage got them to the top of google i said this a million times before the answer to seo is always written on page one how do you do that you dig through their site map and do a search for your keyword then when you’re done remove duplicates and put your long list of results through a keyword clustering tool like keyword cupid which is going to organize which topics need to be written in the same articles as opposed to separate articles topical authority doesn’t stop there though you need to make sure all the things are written well for that i 100 recommend using surfer’s content editor tool which is going to look at who is ranking on number one for a given keyword then it’s going to tell you exactly which words entities and phrases you need to have in your content and at what frequencies too by the way if you’re committed to leveling up in seo make sure to subscribe and turn on the notification bell i’m doubling down on this channel with tons of videos like these so make sure you get notified my next seo 2022 advanced tip is to get your hands dirty with ai generated content in 2021 jarvis

and other ai content generation tools hit the market they allow you to literally click buttons and content magically comes up on the screen is this the best content you’ve ever read in your life not even close but we’re talking about machine learning here it’s going to get better he is refining his methods he is evolving and there are sites out there that are publishing a hundred percent ai content and they’re kicking ass why because they’re posting 500 times a day and covering topical maps like it’s no one’s business so my advice here is to at least start playing around with ai generated content the tools are gonna get better over time and you wanna make sure you can take advantage of that wave start setting a goal of creating at least two to three ai content pieces per month half of entrepreneurship is being in the right place at the right time this applies here by the way in my 2022 seo prediction video i mentioned that it’s gonna be hard for google to deal with the rise of ai content in turn they’re gonna have to turn up the volume on other ranking factors outside content i’m gonna touch upon that later next you need to focus on engagement no you don’t need to propose to your girlfriend

bad dad joke sorry you need to pay attention to how your users are behaving on your site google is learning a lot of lessons from the success of youtube and youtube is all about engagement don’t worry i’ll define what engagement is right now instead of relying on ranking signals that can be manipulated or don’t truly represent if a piece of content is good or not why wouldn’t the algorithm just look at people’s behavior on the article did the reader actually read the article and get what he or she came for engagement starts with ctr otherwise known as click through rate this is the percentage of time that people click on your article when they see the listing in the search result it influences if your article actually gets read in the first place if i didn’t have a good enough title and thumbnail for this video it wouldn’t have this many views improve your website click through rate by optimizing your title and meta description put your keywords towards the front of the title and add click bait like here with the current year towards the back for your description add keywords in there to get them bolded with any luck you’ll get jump links like i have too table of contents help with that next we have time on page which is a decent indication that an article is good but it’s not the whole story just

because someone spent 10 minutes on an article doesn’t mean they liked it maybe an article that someone was on for one minute got them their answer quicker hence a happier searcher nonetheless more time on page is better than less so here’s what you can do have strong introduction paragraphs that hook the reader by being interesting entertaining and informative have no walls of text on the page break up things with images and eye-friendly paragraphs one to two sentences per paragraph and have a great design i’ll touch upon this in the next section next we have goal completion before we talked about how someone spending a minute on a page is a good thing in some cases that’s when their goals are met if someone finds my best web hosting for seo article and they click on this wpx link in 20 seconds that’s a freaking happy searcher they got what they came for my advice here is to focus on your call to action cta buttons and get them clicked i got a great video on this in my channel have great content that actually sells your ctas by being informative but not too salesy next up on your list is to really pay attention to user experience or ux in june 2021 google rolled out the page experience update which was an update completely dedicated to user experience

that’s an odd thing for sure but you can bet your buns it won’t be the last time they add new user experience related ranking factors to the algorithm here’s what you need to look at when it comes to user experience core web vitals these ranking factors are the new kids on the block that they patched in with the page experience update it includes largest contentful paint or lcp this is your loading performance you want to get it faster than 2.5 seconds get a great host pre-size your images and defer or remove slow loading scripts first input delay or fid when someone interacts or clicks on your page you want it to be faster than 100 milliseconds again this comes down to hosting in your server response time and optimizing slow code on the page and lastly cumulative layout shift or cls cls is all about visual stability when the page loads you don’t want boxes and colors jumping all over the place you want this number to be less than 0.1 this comes back to scripts again for more details check out my core web vitals video on my channel for ux optimization you also want your site to be mobile friendly this means that when people look at your site on mobile it looks normal everything fits on the page

the fonts aren’t too big or too small stuff like that use google’s free mobile friendly checker tool to see how your site performs in google’s eyes also make sure that your site meets all of google’s safe browsing standards that includes keeping clean of malware and hacked content google provides another free tool with their security issues report i’m sure you have this already but make sure you’re all set up on https and lastly in the ux category make sure you don’t have any intrusive interstitials intrusive what this is when you have a bunch of pop-ups and display ads freaking dominating the page on mobile don’t do that in fact i turned off all pop-ups on mobile it’s just not worth it now i could never make an seo video discussing important ranking factors without mentioning backlinks do not sleep on backlinks in 2022 and google has made this blatantly clear let me show you what i mean do you know what this is yes it’s a psychic but it’s also cash money psychic readings is one of the most lucrative affiliate niches there is and it’s very competitive look what happens when you google free psychic readings look who comes up here the daily world herald net peninsula daily news do these look like authorities on the topic of psychic readings you can bet your lucky stars know it doesn’t

take a tarot reading to figure out that what these new sites have going on is a ton of backlinks when i turn on the ahrefs toolbar you see what i mean dr 68 your 78 dr72 backlinks are beating relevance in this serp and many many more so build links and build lots of them and be diverse with your link building this table illustrates where i’m putting my backlink efforts in 2022. 30 of the links i build are in the category of white hat link insertions i’m manually outreaching to websites that i want to link from and asking to get a link placed into articles preferably with some links going to them five percent of my links are coming from directory citations even for my affiliate site and for that i’m using my own business authority builders 15 of my links are coming from editorial level sites we’re talking about dr70 and above for this i’m using haro link exchanges with high authority competitors and digital pr campaigns and lastly the main bulk of my link building at 50 is coming through guest posting through authority builders as well here’s my bonus advice for ranking in 2022. make 2022 your year to level up your networking and masterminding seo is forever changing
and it’s changing faster than ever what i plan to do is to stay in touch with as many smart people as possible no single person could possibly figure out the algorithm by themselves but together people can combine and share ideas and accomplish way more than you could by yourself join facebook groups like the affiliate seo mastermind and subscribe to this channel to stay on top of all the seo developments before your competition


Best SEO Tools 2022 — 🥊 Tested and Compared – YouTube

ever wondered which seo tool is best well in this video i’m going to share some of the free seo tools that we use here at exposure ninja and also do a bit of a shootout to see which of these seo tools has the best data enjoy seo tools let’s be having you so seo tools are really useful whilst no seo tool is ever going to do your work for you there are some really important tools to have in your toolbox as a digital marketer which can help you get more data that you might not otherwise see and also do a lot of competitor snooping things like identifying which pages on your website are broken but also having a look at what your competitors are doing how they’re building links what sort of content is performing best for them so whether you’re analyzing your own website to see what sort of errors might be holding your ranking back or whether you’re doing a little bit of competitor snooping and identifying what their link strategy is or how they’re using content to generate traffic

some of the tools that we’re going to be looking at today can give you immense input and show you a whole bunch of stuff that would take years to dig out otherwise so first up let’s look at some of the free seo tools that pretty much every seo or digital marketer needs in their toolbox first up screaming frog now screaming frog is great for analyzing your website and finding technical seo tweaks to make to improve your ranking we’ve got other more detailed videos on that so i’m not going to go too much into exactly how to use screaming frog or in fact any of these other tools in this video but we primarily use screaming frog to perform site audits to tell us the sort of pages that might have issues with meta or pages being indexed that shouldn’t be the next free seo tool is moz domain analysis now this is a great way to get a free fast overview of any particular website’s authority moz domain authority or da is pretty much industry standard recognition of a site’s authority now that google has removed its page rank number from the toolbar

and whilst it’s imperfect mozda is a very useful shortcut to understand how authoritative a site is in relation to other sites whilst the data that the mods domain analysis tool gives you is much more limited than some of the other tools that we’re going to be looking at if you just need a quick overview of how authoritative your site is or a competitor’s site or you want to analyze how authoritative a publication might be mozda is a pretty good place to start next tool which is an absolute must-have for every website owner is google search console now google search console or gsc has become way more useful for seos over the last few years and it has one massive advantage over the other tools in this video and that massive advantage is that the data google search console gives you is measured data that comes directly from google i this is their first party data that’s great because you know that it’s accurate whereas some of the other tools that we’re looking at today they are guesstimate data they’re projections they’re based on a small sample size or

crawling or scraping or taking data from looking at how people are using websites you know that when you go into search console that data is going to be as close as google will give you to being completely accurate so you can pretty much rely on things like impressions and the number of clicks your site’s getting as being accurate now you can use google search consoles see all sorts of useful things like how many times your site is showing up in search how many clicks it’s getting and also the keywords that are driving clicks too and you’ve got the really useful kind of basic stuff such as how is google able to crawl your site how’s google processing any schema on your site and also are there any mobile issues and of course if you really want to sleep well at night you can use google search console to find out if google thinks your website has been hacked or not it’s just laugh a minute inside search console so these tools are great as the basics and they’re really useful if you want to analyze your own site in depth or analyze your competitors at a very surface level but what about if you want to take things up a notch if you want to find new

opportunities analyze different types of keywords or most importantly spy on your competitors so you can steal their best ideas adapt adapt their best ideas okay that was l page from the competition commission adapt their best ideas well then it might be time to take a look at one of the seo super super super tools the seo super tools like semrush href spyfu serpstat claim to do all sorts of things awesome things showing you how much traffic each of those pages is getting and from which keyword tracking their and your ranking from particular devices from different locations over time now a lot of people understandably get really obsessed about finding out how much traffic their competitor sites are getting which leads us onto this topic of data one of my personal bug bears inside the world of seo is how people

treat data as all the same broadly speaking we actually have two types of data we have measured data and we have what i call guesstimate data so measured data is the stuff that is reported by the organization or by the tool that it is measured from now as we’ve seen google search console is a great seo tool if you want to use measured data but the trouble is if you’re basing all of your seo work on only google search console your competitors probably aren’t going to give you access to their google search console so that you can see which pages are performing the best so you can build a content strategy to crush them into the ground so if you really want to do some snooping you’re going to have to use one of these seo super tools which obviously leads to the question how accurate is the data inside these super tools what you don’t want to do is build an entire seo strategy around the data in these super tools only to find out that it’s completely inaccurate and the strategies that you thought were working really well for your competitors are actually doing

absolutely nothing for them so i wanted to find out which of these super tools has the most accurate data so i devised a little test to find out so we decided to have each tool tell us how much traffic they thought five different websites were getting from organic search now these five websites are all clients of explosion ninja so we’ve got access their analytics and their search console so we know exactly how much data they are getting from organic search so we’re basically putting up the tools against the measured data to see which one is closest now we chose these five sites based on a couple of different factors firstly we wanted to choose a mixture of uk and u.s sites and then secondly we wanted to choose sites with different amounts of traffic some of the sites that we’re going to be looking at are much newer so they have lower traffic volume but some of them are more established and have larger traffic volume now all of these fit into the small and medium-sized business category we’re not

looking at sites like facebook here because most of the people who are watching this video and considering these tools are going to be in that small and medium-sized business category so whilst it’s much easier to have accurate estimate data for huge massive sites with millions and millions of visits each month we wanted to focus this test on smaller sites that were getting four five or six figures of monthly organic traffic now because these are all clients of exposure ninja i’m not going to share the website url with you but i will share their data now before i do so i just wanted to talk about how these tools are getting to this data now answering a question like how much organic traffic a particular website gets might seem really straightforward but actually it’s really not because in order to make an estimate of how much organic traffic a website is going to get the first thing these tools need to do if they’re going to guess how much organic traffic a website gets is they need to measure the search results for a huge number of different keywords because they need to know where

each of these websites is ranking for a whole range of different keywords then the tools need to estimate how many times each of these keywords is being searched per month in each of the locations then they need to estimate what percentage of those searches are clicking on that website based on its ranking for those keywords so in order to give accurate data these tools need to measure a huge number of keywords they need to track the positions accurately for the ranking of each of these keywords they need to know approximately how many people are searching for each of these terms every month and then they need to be able to work out how much of that search traffic each of these sites is getting based on its position so we’ve really got these four metrics which are then multiplied together and give us this output which is how much organic traffic a site is going to be getting so whilst on the surface it might seem like a really basic simple question for one of these tools to answer it’s a great test because it actually

multiplies so many of these different estimates together and any inaccuracy obviously is going to be multiplied out and can give wildly different results which by the way is exactly what we got okay so remember each of these tools has estimated how much organic traffic each of these sites gets the first site we measured actually got 3400 monthly organic visits semrush estimated 5100 ahrefs estimated 2700 serps that measured 31 600 so out by almost a factor of 10 spyfu estimated 124 000. so that’s out by a factor of 40. the next site the real organic traffic was about two hundred and twenty three thousand a month semrush estimated two hundred and fifty nine thousand ahrefs estimated 136 000 serps that estimated 1.4

million and spyfu 140 000. again we can see how the difference between the closest and the furthest off is just insane we’ve literally got these tools for the same site estimating differently by a factor of 10. third site in our test got around 7 000 monthly visits from organic search semrush estimated about 12 000 ahrefs estimated about 5 000 serps that again way off with and thirty six thousand and spyfu was sixty seven thousand the fourth sight in the test was around thirteen thousand seven hundred semrush estimated twenty seven thousand ahrefs estimated twenty seven thousand seven hundred serps that estimated two hundred and eighteen thousand and spyfu estimated one point one five million the final site on our list had around five thousand monthlies semrush estimated two 2 900 ahrefs

estimated 1500 serps that 33 000 and spyfu 38 and a half thousand so in order to score these results and announce our overall winner to our little test we decided to award three points to the tool that was closest two points to the tool that was second closest one point to the tool that was the third closest and zero points to the tool that was furthest away from the real data are you ready for the results in last place came spyfu with only two points out of a possible 15. i mean spyfu had some ridiculously inaccurate data and it wasn’t consistently over or under which means i’d actually be pretty cautious about even using it to compare different sites because it doesn’t seem to be consistently wrong it just seems to be very wrong in different ways in third place serps that with three points out of a possible 15. again a bit like spyfu

there was some really inaccurate stuff here you know any tool that gets things wrong by an order of magnitude might be quite difficult to trust for particular data um it did tend to overestimate across the board though so for comparison purposes maybe it’s usable but even so i’d be reluctant to trust data for sites of this size in second place ahrefs with seven points out of a possible 15. pretty impressed with ahrefs the data seem to be broadly pretty good in first place with 11 points out of a possible 15 semrush and this is kind of why we use semrush as our primary seo tool here inside exposure ninja not only has it performed best in our little test here we also find the functionality is awesome and it also tends to blow everything outside to the water with search volumes for trending keywords so things that see a large spike in keyword search volume this can be useful for

seasonality for promotional stuff or if you’re trying to piggyback on a trend like trump’s ban of tick tock for example semrush tends to give the best data for those sorts of keywords so we award semrush the overall best data in this very simple quick and dirty little test the other thing i would say is that on the whole the lesson from this is to take guesstimate data always with a pinch of salt we use and love semrush because it gives us loads of different tools from helping us find blog posts and content that’s ranking best for competitors to finding related keywords and spying on competitors paid ad traffic even though we love it and the data’s pretty good we would never trust the data as gospel because at the end of the day all of this data from these super tools is guesstimate data it’s not measured data that comes directly from the source it’s all susceptible to things like seasonal changes growth or drops over time and basically extrapolating from lots of low volume searches what traffic might be it’s really

difficult to estimate the organic traffic to a site that’s only getting 3 000 visits a month that’s a really really tough thing to do now of course most of these tools performed better for high traffic high volume keywords but many of the businesses using them are not huge corporations they are small and medium-sized businesses that want to make strategic decisions based on the data inside them so we’ve got other videos on how to use semrush it is our preferred seo tool of choice and we’ve actually managed to negotiate a free trial for viewers of the exposure ninja videos on youtube if you go to thank you can actually get a free trial of semrush it isn’t advertised anywhere on their website we managed to negotiate it with them because we love it and we use it so you can get stuck in you can track your competitors you can see what sorts of things they’re ranking for that you might want to copy and don’t forget we’ve got other videos on our youtube channel about how to use so much and how to do competitor analysis to snoop and find out what those sneaky little so-and-so’s are doing so i hope you’ve enjoyed this and i hope you found it

useful and dare i say do you know what i’m just gonna say i hope you found it fun i hope that looking at seo super tool data was fun for you if we can make that fun we can do anything don’t forget to hit like if you enjoyed this video hit subscribe and the bell notification if you want to just be constantly bombarded with new stuff like this don’t forget to check out the exposure ninja podcast and please leave us a rating and review on the podcast app it makes a massive difference to our egos which are really really extremely fragile and don’t forget if you want help with your website’s digital marketing then you can go to and request a free website a marketing review this is awesome this is a super tool i should have said this at the start this is the ultimate seo super tool what will happen when you go to and request your free website and marketing review is one of our amazing team of consultants we’ll take a look at your site they’ll have a look at your competitors and they’ll see how well your site is doing from there they’ll map out a prioritized
action plan that you can follow over the next six to 12 months to significantly increase the volume of leads and sales that your website is generating for you it’s totally free there’s no catch we’re not going to sell your data to cambridge analytica we’re not going to set up spy cameras in your house we’re not going to do any of that stuff we’re just going to give you a great review and of course if you want to work with us then you do have that option too right that’s enough of this this is deteriorating let’s end it from your number one digital marketing super tool over and out


FREELANCE BLOGGING: Wanna make $5K/mo writing blog posts? HERE’S HOW. – YouTube

what’s up you guys and welcome back to my youtube channel today’s video was one that I’ve been planning for a really long time and I’m super excited about it because today I’m gonna teach you how to scale your freelance blogging business to five thousand dollars a month even if you are starting as a total beginner at zero and look this is not something that’s gonna happen by tomorrow or next week or probably not even by next month because let’s be honest anyone who says you can do this overnight is a straight-up liar but this is actually something you can do within a timeframe of about four to six months realistically I’m saying this because I personally scaled my own freelance blogging business to $5,000 a month with in about four months of getting fired from my shitty soul-sucking full-time job so today you’re gonna learn that exact five-step process that I use to build my business even though I was a clueless terrified college dropout before you get started as always be sure to hit that like button if you enjoy this video because it really does help

my channel out and subscribe for more videos about real ants writing I’ll go ahead and share my screen with you and also the link to the blog post we’re looking at today above my head and below in the description box and we will go ahead and get started so here we are at the blog post about how to make 5k a month freelance blogging as a beginner and step 1 is you gotta understand the math behind a five thousand dollar a month and price your work and plan your marketing strategy accordingly long story short set an income goal which you’ve probably already done since you’re watching this five thousand dollars a month and then you’ve got to work backwards to plan how you are going to be able to hit that goal realistically and when I teach this approach I just straight-up call it working backwards this is something that is key to your success as a freelance writer because if you don’t have a goal that you’re working around and working backwards from you end up aimless you end up doing like just randomly tweeting or posting on Instagram and getting no results and no clients I don’t want that to happen to you which

is why you’ve got to ask yourself questions like these how many blog posts do I need to write per month to hit $5,000 and how much do I need to charge per post to do that what do I need to do during month to have a $5,000 month six and that’s of course specifically if you’re trying to scale to 5k month within six months and then how can I grow my blogging skills quickly and level of my income by raising my rates fast because here’s the thing about raising your race and getting to that 5k point it’s not about putting in a certain amount of years or having some crazy network or college degree it’s about you and your commitment to taking action and grow in your skill set which is something you can do very quickly like I said I did that in a matter of four months so it’s really up to you how quickly you’re gonna be able to do it now look I know if you’re like me you’re probably more of a words person that a math type of person but this is really important stuff so let me break it down a little bit further for you if you’re making five cents per word first of all that’s really shitty and you need to take

yourself off of work or whatever content mill you’re working on because you’re not gonna get to 5k a month doing that and here’s why say you’re making five cents per word and you’re writing 2,000 word blog posts so you’re making $100 per long-ass blog post two thousand words that is a lot of writing it’s gonna take you a lot of time that would mean that at five cents per word you’re gonna have to write 50 blog posts in a single month to make $5,000 that month at that rate so there are only about 20 business days in a month meaning that’s gonna be one shitty month so basically you’ve got to write 50 blog posts in a single month that’s more than one per day with no weekends off and these are long blog posts and you’ve got to figure in time for the admin work you need to do like invoicing getting on client calls all those other things that aren’t writing that come with running a business and I’ve broken that down further in this little graphic right here you need to start thinking about it

like this if you only charge $50 per project you’ve got to do 100 projects three projects per day with no weekends off but if you move on up here and you’re charging 300 to $500 per blog post that’s great you only have to do 10 to about 17 projects per month at that rate so you will have extra time to do that admin work without working yourself to the ground so there are gonna be a lot of variables and not all your projects are gonna pay the same and all that kind of stuff but you absolutely must know at least at a very basic level how much you want to make per month so 5000 dollars per month and then work backwards sit down and take the ten minutes to do the math to see how many blog posts you need to write at X rate to hit five thousand dollars in a single month and once you know that you can start thinking okay well which topics are gonna pay that well which type of clients are going to pay me that amount of money that I need to get to 5k a month and that of course brings us to our next point which is step two pick a profitable freelance blogging niche and

make it your that’s right my friend you do not want to be a generalist writer and here’s why high paying clients want to work with specialists not generalists this is a psychology backed thing it applies in all kinds of areas of life for example when I went to go get my hair done recently I didn’t go to just any hair salon I didn’t pick just any hair stylist I specifically picked someone who specialized in weird hair colors because obviously my hair is purple and I was willing to pay very well for that type of specialization cuz I don’t have time to be walking around with up hair so high paying clients are gonna think the same way if they’re paying you really well to do something they’re doing that because they know that you specialize and that builds trust with them let me tell you and this is very important probably one of the most important things I’ll say in this entire video so listen up if you’re zoning out a little bit the way you build trust with clients when you are first starting out and you have no degree no experience

no samples no testimonials is by going all in on your niche all in on that specialization and marketing yourself accordingly so like I’ve said here all of my student success stories for my best-selling course killer cold emailing which I will go ahead and link above and down below in the description box as usual use this niche marketing strategy this is not a coincidence at all so now you’re probably wondering well how can I pick a niche how do I know what to choose maybe you don’t have a lot of work experience or you’re not confident in the you’ve been considering but that’s okay we’re gonna break down the process right now with this beautiful little graphic so your perfect relents writing niche is something you know about or something you can learn about some knowledge it’s something you’re interested in and or would enjoy writing about and it’s something profitable meaning a specific target client should be willing to pay you well for your work so all these things are pretty straightforward but I do want to say again with knowledge it

can be something that you just are interested in and want to learn about Google can be your best friend you’re a writer so you’re probably a really good researcher – I have written about everything from real estate to education technology to ultrasound repair things that I knew absolutely nothing about when I started but I was still able to write about those things get paid well to do it because I put in that research and I was marketing myself the correct way so don’t let a lack of knowledge or experience hold you back and then with interest at least choose a topic that doesn’t make you want to tear your eyes out of your head you may not love it but you at least want to like it and then you can always change your initial ATAR to something you like more or start out a niche that you’re more passionate about totally up to you now with profitability you’ve got to remember you’re running a business not a charity so you’ve got to charge accordingly and with profitability you really want to think about okay this is the clientele that I’m targeting in this niche industry can they afford to pay me well the way you figure that out is by thinking about these two things right here does this client value blogging in

other words you’re not having to tell them why blogging is so great they already know it’s great they already value it and there to get ROI from it and do they have a good sized content marketing budget you’ve got to think about how your client makes money if your client is brokest you’re gonna be broke as working for them so you really have to think about that before you start targeting that brokest clientele and again that really important point I talked about clients have to trust you before they will hire you the way you build trust when you are a total beginner is by going all-in on a niche and being the perfect fit for that one type of client so I know a lot of writers have questions about niching down if that is you go ahead and drop your question below in the comments right now I will answer as many as I possibly can and do my best help well and we’ll get you started in a profitable freelance writing niche so you don’t waste any time already on to step three which is set up a professional writer website that markets your freelance blogging niche so I got to say a lot of writers get this step

all wrong they’re still an employee mode and I’ve been guilty of this myself when I started out you put up a resume you put up a Content Lee portfolio or your tumblr site that is not enough to impress professional clients and help you build a long-term sustainable brand and business you need a professional freelance writer website ww-what ever the hell your business is called or your name or whatever dot-com a custom domain and a professional niche optimized website so I gotta throw this quick shameless self promo in here because it’s gonna help you out a lot – I do have a Bluehost affiliate link you can use and I’ll link it above my head right now and below in the description box you can use that to get a free domain and a really nice discount on your website hosting now I do get a commission when you use my link but it doesn’t cost you anything extra and I only recommend Bluehost because that is what I personally use I would never recommend anything that I did not stand behind and believe in so go ahead and click that link and get your free domain and get your hosting discount you don’t even have to know what your website

domain is gonna be R what your business is gonna be called but if you click that link you can go ahead and claim that discount so that when you are ready you’re not paying that extra money you can get that free domain and that discount on your hosting okay so back to your website you gotta have a custom domain and your website should position you as a business owner and a niche specialist that means leaving out about poetry and how much you love writing and all that stuff clients really frankly do not care about you’ve got to focus on your clients needs and how your blogging services will help them grow their business instead here’s the thing clients care about one thing when they hire you it’s not words it’s not ours it’s how you are going to help their business make money with the blog posts that you’re writing for them you got to get that through your head and think about it throughout your marketing strategy because that is seriously going to be the key to your mindset shifting from oh I’m just an employee and I how to market myself – no I’m a business owner and I know how to help my clients I know what they are looking for from me

and you especially got to think about this when you’re writing your website copy for your professional writing portfolio I have a complete tutorial on how to get that set up so I will link that above my head right now it is extremely in-depth with loads of examples so click that link if you don’t have a portfolio and commit to a date to get that set up by something you can do within a day or maybe you want to space it out over a week but at least that’s progress slow progress is better than no progress but you’ve got a start if you want to get it done so go ahead and click that link now and I will throw that link down in the description box below as well on to step four which is to start pitching and marketing yourself as a freelance blogger so let me stop right here for a second and tell you a bit of a harsh truth you gotta stop wasting your time on up work and fiber and content mills because those sites are not getting you anywhere stop thinking about freelance writing in the terms of looking for jobs and start thinking about it in the terms of building a business and landing high-paying clients if you all want to hear me rant about upwork and why it sucks so much I’ll throw a link to that

fun video above right now and you can go check it out but yeah basically you want to focus on pitching and cold emailing not shitty content mills and platforms pitching and cold emailing landed me over $800 in freelance writing gigs just the first month I tried it so I literally got fired from my full-time job that next month made $800 from freelance writing just from pitching and cold emailing no up work no fiber and no like that I went on to have my first $5,000 a month just four months after getting fired thanks mostly to my pitching and cold emailing skills not saying that to brag I’m saying it so you know what it’s possible for you if you get serious about treating freelance blogging like a business so if you’re not really familiar with cold emailing it’s pretty straightforward it just means you send a tailored and high-quality email introducing yourself and your services to a target client in your niche so for example if you’re an IT and Technology white paper writer you find a target client in that niche find their email address and you introduce yourself and ideally that conversation

results in you getting hired but you got to keep in mind that this is not mean firing off the same shitty templates anyone and everyone you’re gonna fail if you do that and you’re also gonna fail if you don’t have a solid marketing strategy to support your cold emails and by that I mean this stuff like picking a niche having a professional custom domain portfolio things like that to support your cold emailing strategy you’ve got to have that in place before you start pitching this is exactly what I teach in my course and I actually have a totally free class that over six thousand writers have taken that will teach you this process more specifically and it goes a little bit more in-depth on how to do it so if you’re following along in the blog post you’ll see that highlighted right here in yellow if you’re not in you’re here with me in the video I will throw the link above my head and down below in the description box and in the pin comment so you just can’t miss it okay let’s move on to step five so we’ve got a marketing strategy set up we’ve started pitching we’ve got a website now we need to grow our blogging skills and learn how to write blog posts that get results for freelance blogging clients so yeah

basically we’ve talked about the marketing side of it but what about the blogging what about the actual writing process well I’m gonna tell you what you can’t do if you’re trying to build a 5k a month freelance blogging business and get really good high-paying clients you can’t approach blogging like you’re writing a college essay or a novel or poetry or anything like that you’ve got to approach it like a business blogger from a marketing perspective and like I’ve said here you can be the best damn writer in the world but if you don’t know how to specifically write blog posts that get business results for your clients you are screwed there’s a big difference between someone who is a good writer and someone who is good at business blogging you’re already a good writer I’m assuming because you’re here watching this video but now you’ve got to make that shift into being an amazing business blogger who can drive results for clients because again that’s what high paying clients want not words not ours but the business results of those words and hours you gotta have a lot more than just grammar and spelling knowledge you need to know things like

blog post structure and formatting how to get sales and conversions with blog posts basic SEO which by the way I do have a free resource for that that will show you exactly where your keywords need to go I’ll throw that above my head and down in the description box you also gotta know how create amazing headlines that drive traffic how to come up with the best blog post topics in the industry and more basically it just all comes down to writing blog posts from a marketing perspective so if you’re watching this you don’t feel super confident in your blog post writing skills maybe you’re asking yourself stuff like who actually pays that much for blog posts how do I even know what my blog posts are worth and there is no way I could send a quote for anything over $50 that’s just too scary well if you can relate to any of that I want to let you know I have a totally new course that just launched and it is called yeah freelance vlogging this course is your key to fearlessly charging 200 or 400 dollars per blog post and getting your blog post writing skills up to par so you can get results for your clients and it’s based

on my own experience writing blog posts having blog posts go viral having blog posts getting tweeted out by influencers on Twitter working with really awesome clients getting guest posting opportunities on major websites all kinds of results I’ve gotten with my blogging and you will learn my exact blogging process in this course so if you’re ready to start learning click the link above my head right now to learn more about the ya freelance blogging course as of the day this video is getting posted this course actually just came out not too long ago so it is new and I’m super excited about it so check it out at the link and let me know below in the comments if you decide to join so I can congratulate you and welcome you to the course and that is all for this video my friend I really hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to hit that like button because it really helps my channel out and subscribe for more videos about freelancing and blogging and making money online as always thanks so much for watching and I will see you in the next video


9 SEO Predictions for 2022 (and How to Prepare for Them) – YouTube

seo in 2022 is gonna be a lot different than it’s ever been before and in this video i’m gonna be sharing my top nine seo predictions for 2022 and most importantly what you should do to prepare for these changes my name is matt dignity and i’m the founder of five seven-figure seo businesses dignity marketing lead spring authority builders the search initiative and the affiliate lab at any given time i have at least 50 websites under management i’m also consistently running single variable seo tests to uncover the nuances patterns and trends of the google algorithm and i’m about to share nine seo predictions that i’ve come up with based on my own experience plus from networking with the best in the industry bear in mind i’m not going to be giving you generic seo advice that you typically hear in videos like these stuff like google is going to take more of your organic clicks so they can make more room for paid ads voice search is going to dominate in 2022. by the way it’s not that stuff is obvious and you deserve better than that you’re going to be getting some insightful predictions that will actually make a difference in your seo strategy in 2022 but first let’s talk about why it’s so important to get ahead of these changes according to search engine journal

google releases thousands of algorithm changes per year most of them go completely unnoticed but nonetheless you feel them and many of them are publicly announced as quote unquote google core algorithm updates and that’s when you see seo is running around like their hair is on fire the point i’m trying to make is that ultimately you can count on seo changing significantly in 2022. seo is about staying ahead of the game when you’re able to understand the direction google is going you can prepare your website beforehand and you end up with nice steadily improving traffic graphs like these and then at the dinner table you can tell your wife or husband i’m a genius repeatedly but if you ignore the trends don’t be surprised to see a declining traffic graph that descends into the bells of hell itself and you end up on the streets just thinking about the glory days when you actually had a website that was on page one of google the thing is you can pretty much guarantee that your competition is doing everything that’s considered current industry standard knowledge and the way you get ahead is by future proofing and that’s what this video is for preparing you for 2022 and beyond if you like what i’m doing here let me know by giving the like button a future by pressing it studies show that

a like button that gets pressed has a 57 greater chance of getting a college degree and a 71 higher chance of finding true love in their life but in all seriousness it helps my channel out a bunch it also helps the youtube algorithm figure out what you like so you can get more videos like these my first seo 2022 prediction is that ai content software will get better and better and its adoption will grow exponentially since openai’s gpt3 deep learning language model came out a whole slew of ai content generator software has entered the market some of the most popular ones are jarvis from conversion ai article forge and writer and in 2021 even in the first iterations of this type of software it’s already getting deployed by seos around the world people are using ai content for easy stuff like product descriptions on e-commerce sites for guest post content and often even on their own rankable websites i’m running a fun experiment myself building a website from scratch using a 100 ai generated content and i’ve already completed some very interesting single variable tests there’s a concept called topical authority in a nutshell the more coverage your website has on a topic the larger the chance that google will deem

you an authority on the topic and thus rank you higher we’ll talk more about this later so for example if you wanted to be an authority on apples be like healthline and write 81 articles on them to learn more about topical authority check out my interview with corey tugberg after you watch this video i’ve left a link in the description back to ai content i ran an experiment creating 12 new articles with jarvis for a website on a topic like apple’s added them to the site and monitored the rankings and traffic this is the result from the seo testing software if the black line is above the blue line that means that my apple content increased ranking compared to the control group of oranges to sum up the result the ai content was good enough that said in my opinion the technology hasn’t matured enough to deploy completely the process is clunky and doesn’t come out too great without a lot of hand holding they also don’t write seo optimized content that’s driven by a powerful technology like surfer jarvis is leading the pack on this and is currently working on developing integration with surfer but in 2022 my prediction is that the tools will continue to mature they’ll get more user-friendly the content will get better and they’ll integrate better with

content optimization tools and because of this people will start using ai content more frequently on critical content pieces on their website such as rankable content that has the goal of conversion so what should you do to prepare for this start playing around get a trial license of the content writer of your choice get familiar with these tools because i truly believe they’re going to become mainstream in the seo workflow my second seo prediction is that google will continue to put backlinks up on a pedestal as one of the most important ranking factors if not the most important it’s blatantly obvious to anyone who’s looked at google results for high competition queries page one of google is dominated by sites with huge backlink authority this keyword best coffee machine doesn’t have any coffee websites ranking on page one it’s all high authority media sites authority trumps relevance in today’s algorithm and i expect this to carry over into 2022. last year going into 2021 i had actually predicted that relevance would get a comeback but we saw none of that going on and i don’t expect that to change and the reason relates back to my first prediction if ai content improves drastically and runs

rampant then google will need to scale back the ranking weight on content and apply it to other places like lynx so what should you do about this continue to put an emphasis on link building this table illustrates where i’m putting my backlink efforts 30 of the links i build are in the category of white hat link insertions i’m manually outreaching to websites i want to link from and asking to get a link placed into existing articles preferably with some links going to them five percent of my links are coming from directory citations even for my affiliate sites and for that i’m using seo butler and citations builder 15 of my links are coming from editorial level sites we’re talking dr 70 and above for this we’re using hardo link exchanges with high authority competitors and digital pr campaigns and lastly the main bulk of my link building at 50 is coming from guest posting through authority builders to learn more about link building i’ve left a link to an entire playlist in the description make sure to check it out after you watch this video my next seo 2022 prediction is that parasite seo will continue to work what is parasite seo it’s when you put content on another

website or platform leverage their authority and start to rank for keywords check out the search result for best male enhancement pills no one ranking has any sort of relevance on the topic of penises they’re all huge authority sites and with the exception of amazon it’s all sponsored content in other words parasite seo this has been around for years now and i believe this will carry on into 2022 mainly because google will continue to value authority on this one let’s see though i’m like 60 confident with this prediction are you sure about that this seems like something google would really want to fix and what can you do about this unfortunately i think for us parasite seo you might be a little late to the party if you haven’t already started many of the media outlets that will sell placements won’t publish twice on the same topic and they’ve already been rinsed so what i’m doing is turning my own sites into mega authorities just like these if you can’t beat them join them my next seo prediction for 2022 is that google will continue to experiment and change the search result page more and more in 2021 we already saw a lot of this for example the seo community blew a fuse when google started rewriting title tag and for good reason in this

case that lily rae found google was displaying a freaking anchor text instead of the title tag we also saw stuff like interesting finds which shows up on mobile and displays personalized recommended content based on what you’re searching for we’ll talk about personalized content later then we have the local top sites or things to do feature that gives you suggestions on what you can do in a local area and also visual stories which comes up a lot of mobile searches expect these experiments to continue some will go away and some will stick but the writing is on the wall you’ll see more different types of content on a single search result page like here where there’s video results for a query video seems to be the biggest thing that google wants to push in my humble opinion what you should do is ride the wave and start producing video content in 2021 i’ve added significant effort to youtube for both this channel and the channels for my affiliate sites the synergy is great you get discovery traffic from youtube through their amazing discovery algorithm then you can send that traffic back to articles on your website you can then take your high traffic pages on google embed videos into them from your channel then grow your channel at the

same time and let me tell you youtube definitely converts make sure to check out my interview with nick nimmin to learn how to elevate your youtube game my next seo prediction for 2022 is that the amount of personalized content you see in your search results will increase when you’re logged into google chrome google can track what you like to read watch and consume doesn’t it make sense that what i get for certain queries might look completely different to what you might get from the same query in my opinion google is learning a lot from the success of youtube which is an extremely personalized experience i mean if you really want to get to know someone take a look at their youtube homepage preparing for this is easy you should be doing this anyways the solution is to focus on my next seo prediction of 2022 which is that user engagement will increase as a ranking factor this goes back to once again the success of youtube the youtube algorithm is almost entirely based on engagement namely how long people watch your videos and how much they interact with them my prediction is that the google search algorithms will increase the amount that engagement time on page and goal completion have in their ranking

algorithms what do i mean by goal completion if someone lands on your page reviewing the best wireless routers and they’re only on your page for one second but they click on one of those buy now buttons that’s not a bad thing that’s called a happy searcher who got their goals met and it’s not what some people incorrectly call a bounce what you do want to watch out for is pogo sticking this is when someone lands on your page doesn’t like what they see then goes back to the search result and clicks on something else in search of their answer this is not a good thing and it’s the opposite of what you want your users to do it’s a terrible signal to google here’s how to prevent pogo sticking as soon as someone lands on your page let them know they’re in the right place by showing imagery and a big headline related to their search query next you want to hook them with a strong introduction paragraph check out my video on intro paragraphs in the description after that use truss signals to show that you’re legit and that you’re an expert on the topic and lastly give them their answer they’re looking for right away as fast as possible the next seo 2022 prediction is that the concept of topical authority will become standard seo practice we touched upon

this a bit earlier the more you write on the given topic and quote unquote cover it the more that google thinks you’re an authority on that topic but it doesn’t stop there the articles need to be linked together in an intelligent way and each article in itself needs to be optimized with all the entities and phrases that are expected in a top-ranking article for its query many seos have been operating like this since the stone age but many seos are just learning about it now it’s my prediction that in 2022 it’ll become widespread one of the most challenging parts of the topical authority strategy is creating a topical map which is basically a list of keywords that need to be covered in order to completely blanket a niche at my company’s lead spring in the search initiative we personally have been working on in-house processes to automate the topical map generation process and whether it is us or some other tool provider that brings a solution like this to the market or if and when we share this technique in the affiliate lab the adoption of topical authority will grow and as a result i expect seos to put fast publishing at the forefront of their efforts the people who can publish quality content the fastest and cover their niche

completely will win what can you do to prepare for this first watch my video on topical authority see what you did there and then for example if you were in the fishing niche start experimenting with publishing with the goal of complete niche coverage on your website publish everything you can about phishing not just the topics that will make you money like best fishing polls even published content that will have zero search volume we’ve seen excellent results with this strategy and so have members of the affiliate lab why because it works my next seo prediction in 2022 is and i hate to be a party pooper but the frequency of google core algorithm updates will increase as mentioned in the intro google releases thousands of updates per year most of them are completely unannounced or they’ll release them in secret and announce them later this is what i think happened with the google product reviews update this was announced on april 8 2021 but i truly believe that it was released in some shape or form in the december 2020 update which had a profound effect on affiliate sites expect the frequency of these updates to stay the same or to increase and expect at least two of them to be about something that doesn’t
matter and affects literally no one you know but the entire seo industry will react to them like they’re the biggest deal in the universe and every seo conference will have at least one presentation on it i’m talking about you core web vitals anyhow to prepare for algorithm updates in the affiliate lab we have a model do all the things seo is really a holistic endeavor make sure to get your website up to scratch in every seo department your technical seo needs to be on point with no loose ends with regard to site speed redirect issues crawl problems etc your content needs to be on point each page needs to answer its search intent perfectly content should interlink in an optimized fashion and your backlinks should be diverse clean and authoritative do all the things the next seo 2022 prediction is that seo will finally completely be utterly dead just kidding seo can’t die it’s been dead already for years thanks for watching this video if you like what you saw make sure to smash the like button and make sure to subscribe for more videos just like this one


Pinterest for Bloggers: How to GET TRAFFIC from Pinterest to your Blog! 30K Monthly Sessions! – YouTube

three years ago i was struggling to get people to read my blog i mean i was struggling to get them onto my site in the first place i was honestly so lost now today i get hundreds of people to my website every single day and my secret weapon yep pinterest if you want to know how i get 900 000 to a million monthly views on pinterest and how i transform that into website traffic for my blog and business keep watching hi there i’m katie of what’s katie and i’m a swiss blogger and pinterest expert and today i want to teach you how you can explode your blog traffic with pinterest so why is every blogger raving about pinterest three years ago i was really struggling to get people to read my blog so i started researching on how to get more traffic seo so search engine optimization and

google was the first thing that popped up but the more i read the more confused i got eventually i started to learn about the power of pinterest and how it could help me attract hundreds of blog readers and i got a little obsessed now i get thousands of website visitors every month to my blog directly from pinterest it just works so today i want to go over the basics of how pinterest can help you grow your blog and get your content in front of your ideal blog reader oh and before we jump in make sure you grab your free guide on how to get 10 customers from pinterest to your website in the next 10 days in the description below okay let’s start with step number one i call this the pinterest process and i’m gonna talk to you about how you can redirect pinterest users to your blog so maybe you are in a

similar situation as i was a few months back and you simply can’t manage to get people to visit your blog first of all it’s not you you just haven’t figured out your working process yet so let me get over the basics of how the pinterest process looks like for me and my website and how you can apply this to your website or blog as well so how do you get traffic to your website with pinterest so the first step what you want to do is create a dedicated pinterest profile only for your blog so this profile as you can see has nothing to do with how you use pinterest in your free time your new pinterest profile is basically here to only promote you and your blog if you need help setting up a free pinterest account check out the video above now the second step you want to do is design pins that are dedicated for each of your blog posts or products and pin them to your pinterest board so

you have these boards here and you want to pin your pins to your boards so if we go into a blog post of mine so i wrote this blog post about the 10 most important blogging tools of 2020 and if you click on the little pinterest extension here you can see that i’ve created three pins for this blog post and if i take this pin i press next i can choose a board such as blogging tips and i can save it to this board so let me just click on see it now you can see the pen is here and now it’s on pinterest so whenever someone is looking for the 10 most important blogging tools or just blogging tools they find this pin they click on the pin and they are redirected to that specific blog post that you just saw here so this is the basic process of how pinterest works

so i actually want to go into analytics a little bit and you can see that this pin that i actually pinned in may 2020 got 21 000 impressions so that’s how many people saw this pin on pinterest and 193 people clicked on that now this is really insane and i just want to mention that pinterest analytics aren’t really that reliable but it’s still insane how many people saw that pin and i just want to jump into google analytics real quick and show you how many people actually came over from pinterest through this pin because it’s not just 139 people as pinterest tells you so let’s jump into analytics here and you can see that i pinned this pin so this is pin number xyz here and if you click on that you can see it’s this pin right and you can see that i posted this pin

on may 10th and you can see it brought me consistent traffic over the next six months and you can see it brought me over 456 new users to my website which i think this is really incredible because this is just one single pin right i have hundreds of blog posts on my blog i even created three pins if you remember for this single blog post but this pin alone brought me over 500 people to my website and you might be saying okay but this doesn’t look so good right now what happened here so this is a very seasonal pen right so this is the 10 most important blogging tools for 2020 and we are closing in to 2021 but i can see that this pen was really successful so what i would do right now is go ahead and create a new blog post that i post right now about i don’t know

that 20 or 10 most important blogging tools for 2021 and i promise you you will see again a huge increase for that blog post because you already know now a lot of people are looking for this and you can see that i get over 712 000 monthly viewers this varies for me between 600 000 and a million views so my analytics really sometimes spikes and sometimes goes down but it’s around that usually and think about it if only one percent of those people viewing my pins click over to my website that’s 7 000 people coming from pinterest to my website and i’m just being like conservative so it’s one percent right but what if 10 percent would click over to my website that’s a huge amount of traffic coming from pinterest to my website okay so in step number two

i wanna focus on your account and your niche as i’ve mentioned i would like you to start a new dedicated pinterest account for your blog only but why is this important you want to attract people to your blog who care about your topic and not just a random person why because the random dude won’t stay on your blog and won’t buy your products now the key here is to focus only on the niche your blog or biz is in and then optimize your pinterest profile to this topic or niche or theme so if you don’t have a pinterest business account yet don’t worry check out my video on how to set up a totally free pinterest business account where i walk you through the setup process in just a few minutes it’s really easy okay so let’s make an example so it’s more clear why you should start your own pinterest business account and focus on only one specific niche to attract your ideal blog reader

or customer so you can see i blog about digital marketing and social media right um and if you look at my pinterest profile do you see boards about recipes do you see boards with makeup ideas or do you see boards about cute puppies no you don’t and even though i am actually interested in all of these topics these belong to my personal pinterest account which belongs only to me and i can pin whatever the heck i want now your pinterest business account is a place for your audience and not you now the more targeted your niche is the better your pins will perform on pinterest this is because as in many social medias priority is given to pens which resonate well with your audience and subscribers and receive a high early engagement so if you pin a new pin to pinterest and it resonates a lot with your subscribers

pinterest will see this as a pin that’s relevant and will boost it and give it more distribution but on the other hand if you pin a new pin that has nothing to do with your niche but your followers would expect to hear something about a topic that you usually talk about then this pin won’t resonate with them and the pinterest won’t distribute it as much as it would a pin that is relevant to your niche now this is why it’s so important not to create a recipe board if you are a diy blogger or creating a board about pets when you are actually a wedding photographer now let me know if this makes sense in the comments below i get this is complicated but just let me know if you have any questions in the comments and i will get back to you okay i want to talk about how consistency leads to growth on pinterest so in order to use pinterest to grow your blog you first need to grow your pinterest account and a big part is

actually posting consistently on pinterest and my personal mantra for my pinterest strategy is pinning consistently rather than pinning an overwhelming amount of pins one day but then nothing for a week so i’m here in tailwind and you can see that i pin 5 to 25 pins every single day and mostly my own pens now you can check out my video on how to design pinterest pins in second if you’re like oh my god i don’t have time for that i got you and it’s way faster than you think now i am using a scheduler as you can see here and it’s called tailwind and tailwind are an official pinterest partner and endorsed by them so yes automating your pins is totally okay they have actually just recently sent out an email and wrote a blog post about this and they confirmed that pinterest distributes their pins exactly the same way as if you were

pinning manually on pinterest and you can have a look at this blog post and i will link it in the description below and you can see that they tell you this here so it doesn’t matter if you’re pinning manually or if you are pinning with a scheduler your pins are distributed exactly the same way so what i do is i use tailwind to schedule out my entire month of pins in advance and this takes me literally i would say one to two hours a month and then i leave it up to tailwind to auto post my pens to the different boards on my pinterest account um and you can see my pins here going out so these are the time slots and tailwind is just distributing these pins to pinterest on autopilot without me having to do anything now on top of that i head into pinterest once a day for 10 minutes or so to check my messages check my analytics and just be social on the platform now you can start a

tailwind account for free i will link it in the description box below i have a ton of tutorials that are coming and on the blog so if you’re interested in seeing a video about tailwind let me know in the comments as well okay now our final step step number four is to optimize your pinterest account to explode your blog traffic now i know that if you’re applying what we have discussed so far you’re already seeing some movement on your pinterest account and blog traffic but what has really transformed my account was learning how to optimize my pins my account and my website for pinterest success so first of all you need to optimize your pins and you want to include big text overlays explaining how your post or product will help your reader to solve a problem they are currently having plus our brain is wired to read so pins with text attract attention a lot you can check out my video on how to

design pins i go into a lot of details and my best tips on how to create viral pins secondly you want to include relevant keywords all over your pinterest account so in your pin descriptions you can see it here pinterest also allows you to edit your profile so i’ve added keywords into my pinterest bio here added board descriptions as you can see here and these board descriptions include relevant keywords for that specific board now these keywords signal pinterest what your profile and pins are all about and this helps pinterest to show your pins to relevant people looking for content that relates to your profile and third you want to claim your website now i have a blog post about how to claim your website for pinterest you can check it out here just click the card above and all claiming your website does is say to pinterest hey this is my

website please give all pins that link to this website priority and boost them so pins coming from your website rather than another website will be distributed to more people on pinterest and you can see it here if i zoom in here you can see that my website what’s katie up to has been claimed by pinterest so all pins coming from this website here will distribute to more people on pinterest so check out that blog post as well it’s super super important now these were the four easy steps how to grow traffic to your blog with pinterest and the exact thing i do to get 900 000 to a million views on pinterest every month and turn them into thousands of blog visitors each month now that’s it from me for today don’t forget to click that bell and subscribe button below so you don’t miss any of my videos i
post a new video about pinterest every tuesday see you soon cheers
